Pregnancy is a time of many changes, both physical and emotional. For mothers-to-be who have piercings or are considering getting one, certain questions may arise: Is it safe? Should they be removed? How do you care for your piercings during these nine months? Here's everything you need to know to make sure your pregnancy goes smoothly with your piercings.
1. Existing piercings: should they be removed?
If you already have piercings before pregnancy, the good news is that, in most cases, you won't need to remove them immediately. However, it is essential to keep an eye on certain areas of the body that are undergoing significant changes, such as :
- Navel: As the belly increases in size, piercings can become uncomfortable from the second or third trimester onwards. There are flexible plastic pregnancy piercings that adapt better to these changes and keep the opening open.
- Nipples: As breasts increase in size and you prepare to breastfeed, it's often advisable to remove them, as sensitivity can increase and the area becomes fragile.
- Ears, nose, eyebrows: These are generally unaffected by pregnancy, so you can keep them on, unless you feel discomfort.

2. Is it advisable to have a piercing during pregnancy?
It is generally not advisable to get a new piercing during pregnancy, for several reasons:
- Risk of infection: Pregnancy weakens the immune system, making you more vulnerable to infection. A new piercing represents an open wound, and it's best to avoid this risk.
- Slower healing: During pregnancy, the healing process can be slower, which can complicate the healing of a new piercing.
- Hormonal changes: Pregnancy hormones alter the skin's texture and increase its sensitivity. This can make the procedure more painful and the piercing more difficult to adapt to your skin.
3. How do you care for your piercings during pregnancy?
The key to keeping your piercings healthy during pregnancy is vigilance, appropriate jewelry and regular care.
4. What to do after pregnancy?
If you've removed your piercings for pregnancy or breastfeeding, rest assured that you'll be able to put them back in once your body has returned to normal. For removed piercings, such as nipple or navel piercings, it's often possible to reinsert the jewelry once the skin has become less sensitive. If the hole has closed, you can consider a new piercing once you've finished breastfeeding and your body has fully recovered.
Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your piercings. However, it is important to listen to your body and adapt to its changing needs. By taking care of yourself and your piercings, you can make the most of this unique period while staying true to your style with our AEC Paris piercings!