Can't get your rings off? Don't panic; we have several tips to help you remove them without hurting yourself!
With cold water
In most cases, if rings get stuck, it's because the fingers are swollen. To reduce the swelling, you can run cold water over them. Feel free to add soap to avoid damaging your skin. If cold water isn't enough to reduce the swelling, you can use an ice cube.
With a lubricating substance
The goal is to slide the stuck ring off the skin. You can use something like petroleum jelly, for example. Whatever product you choose, apply it to your finger and work a bit of it under the ring. Once everything is well-lubricated, you can try to remove the jewelry!
With dental floss
This last method is somewhat methodical, so here are the steps to follow:
- Pass the dental floss under the ring.
- Wrap the thread around your finger until it goes past the joint. Be careful not to wrap it too tightly to avoid hurting yourself.
- Final step: unwind the thread starting from the base of the finger. As you remove the dental floss, the ring should slide off the finger.
- Repeat all the steps as many times as needed. If you don't have dental floss, you can try using sewing thread.